Call for applications to benefit from an in-depth diagnosis in terms of technological needs in I4.0

Apply for In-Depth I4.0 Tech Diagnosis
Apply for In-Depth I4.0 Tech Diagnosis

The Sectoral Competency Centre in Industry 4.0, «neotex 4.0 center», launches a call for applications to provide Tunisian manufacturers in the Textile & Clothing and Technical Textile sector with technical assistance for the realization of an in-depth diagnosis of technological needs in Industry 4.0 and the development of a roadmap of the different stages of digitization projects.

As part of this call for applications, 20 companies will be selected. Another call for applications, to be published at a later date, will select 12 companies from those which would have benefited from an in-depth diagnosis in order to benefit from technical assistance (technological choice and development of specifications, contact with technology suppliers, financing) for the implementation of an I4.0 Solution.

The terms of reference as well as the modalities of participation in this call for applications are available via this link.

The deadline for applications is September 30, 2023.

This action is part of the National Initiative «Towards an Industry 4.0 in Tunisia» launched by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy with the support of the European Union and the Special Initiative «Decent Work for a Just Transition» – Invest for Jobs, mandated by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Tunisia.

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