Industry 4.0 Training Workshops for the C&T Sector

neotex 4.0 center organized two training workshops for T&H industry in collaboration with the Inter-Company Training Center (CFI Sfax), the Tunisian Federation of Textile & Clothing (FTTH) and GIZ Tunisia.

The first workshop, entitled «Industry 4.0 for the T&H sector: Why and how», took place on June, 25th and aimed to introduce participants to Industry 4.0 in the textile sector and demystify its meaning.

This training day will help professionals in the sector to acquire the keys to the success of an I4.0 project, by acquiring the necessary knowledge in terms of new technologies and their fields of application, but also the risks and challenges they can pose for a company.

At the end of this training module, participants were given a practical activity to apply their acquired knowledge to formulate an action plan for implementing an I4.0 project that meets a specific need they have chosen.

A second training workshop, entitled «Industry 4.0 for the T&H sector: the traceability function» was organized on June 26th and aimed to deepen the knowledge of participants in this workshop in terms of I4.0 on a specific theme, that of traceability in the textile sector.

Traceability being a requirement for several standards in the sector, this training was intended to help participants understand the different use cases of this function and the technologies that exist on the market today to optimize it.

The workshop also aimed to help participating manufacturers understand the benefits of traceability and the challenges it can pose in their activities.

The day ended with a practical activity during which the participants were able to put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired by setting up a continuous improvement strategy based on traceability within a textile company.

This action is part of the National Initiative «Towards Industry 4.0 in Tunisia» launched by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy with the support of the European Union and the Special Initiative «Decent Employment for a Just Transition» -lnvest for Jobs, mandated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Tunisia.

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