Neotex 4.0 center takes part in a networking and awareness event on digital innovation and gender equality

Neotex 4.0 center took part on Friday, November 24, 2023 in the networking and awareness event «Digital innovation at the service of gender equality: New technologies, new perspectives» organized by GIZ at The Dot.

This event is part of the PACE-AMIT component of the Qualitative Growth for Employment project «CQE», implemented by GIZ Tunisia, in partnership with the Tunisian Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME), mandated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and co-financed by the European Union (EU).

What is the aim of the event?

New technologies, which are the key to a successful transformation into Industry 4.0, certainly offer a range of opportunities and benefits for a company, but they also pose challenges and risks on the societal side, by further exacerbating social inequalities.

It is therefore essential to be proactive in dealing with these societal issues. Mobilizing and raising awareness among the various stakeholders in the industrial sector is a prerequisite for the creation of an inclusive and sustainable sector, particularly on the gender equality front.

This event, which is part of this framework, has the main objective of creating a space for dialogue and networking conducive to the exchange of ideas and the sharing of inspiring successes between the actors of the digital innovation ecosystem.

Event proceeding

The first part of the day was devoted to the presentation of the gender approach, as well as the sectoral centers of competency in industry 4.0, namely the neotex 4.0 center, the agrotech 4.0 center and the biotech 4.0 center, followed by a presentation on the promotion of gender equality and how women can prevail through digital.

The second part of the event was devoted to a panel discussion and experience sharing. The panelists, composed of Industry 4.0 experts, associations and tech-providers, discussed the effects of digitalisation on gender equality, and on the status of women in general. It was also an opportunity for tech providers to present their companies and their work.

Outcome of the event

This day raised awareness among participants towards Industry 4.0 and the need for the adoption of new technologies in Tunisian industry, particularly in the textile, agri-food and biotechnology sectors.

Neotex 4.0 center was thus able to present its goals and its portfolio of services to all participants.

The event was also an opportunity to exchange with various actors in the sector on the issue of gender equality and to start the reflection about the role of the competency center in raising awareness among industrialists on the issue of gender equality at the top management and executive levels of the company on digitization projects.

Finally, the various partners took the opportunity to sign a convention bringing together the three centers of competency, the Tunisian Forum of Maghrebin Leaders (FTLM) and the Professional Network for Women Entrepreneurship in Tunisia «The Next WomenTunisie». The aim of this convention is to promote gender equality in the field of Industry 4.0.

This action is part of the National Initiative «Towards an Industry 4.0 in Tunisia» launched by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy with the support of the European Union and the Special Initiative «Decent Work for a Just Transition» – Invest for Jobs, mandated by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ Tunisia.

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